Royal Raymond Rife was, perhaps, the greatest medical scientist of the twentieth century and yet, sadly, very few people have ever heard of him. He died of alcoholism in obscurity in 1971. Royal Rife was the inventor of the "Dark Field Microscope" and this he did in the 1920s. His "Universal Microscope", magnified objects 60,000 times, and this made him the first man in history to view a living virus. Ironically most of today's scientists using powerful electron microscopes are viewing dead bio-organisms, because the powerful electric field of their equipment kills the virus. Rife, a brilliant inventor was the "Father of Electronic Medicine", which he used very successfully to treat cancer patients in his clinic in San Diego in the 1930s.He suggested cancer was a virus and was able to facilitate cures by killing the virus with an electronic frequency generator.
Rife realized that everything on the planet has a vibrational frequency. The wall that surounds the room in which you sit, is a) not solid and b) all the atoms that go to make up thast seeming solid wall are vibrating at a frequency or more precisely a frequency span.Thanks to his microscope, he was able to culture a variety of pathogens and then subject them to the frquencies generated by his beam.This killed the pathogens. The result was very successful according to Barry Lynes who wrote a book about Rife in the 1980s. It seems that many people had their cancers turned around by the system. He also claimed cancer was a virus and his "zapper" generated a frequency that killed the virus. The late Dr. Hulda Clarke took this a little further in the 1990s. She too subscribed to the frequency theory, but did not attribute cause to just one virus, but a series of factors including candida and other parasite that seemed to depend on ethyl-alcohol for their food source. The CoRe system is able to generate all the frequencies suggested by Rife and Clarke with interesting results.
The CoRe can be used to create the frequencies and then transmit them to the client by means of light or vibration. We did some work on this several years ago, when the frequency information was transmitted to the body by means of tapping on the acupoints a la EFT. The results were very satisfying. The CoRe system is now able to take this even fuirther, which promises to be exciting. Of course no one treatment technique is the answer in the healing of any malady. We can kill the pathogens on one hand, but it is also necesary to work on nutrition, stress control, emotional imblance and many other factors that go to make-up the whole of the disease state. The whole does comprise mind, body and spirit and let's never forget that!
Rife found, as we see with increasing frequency today, that toxins assault the body, and it seems the number of these are rising at an alarming rate. This gives some explantion to the almost epicdemic rise in cancer today. These poisons cannot be excreted effectively; as they build up they cause electrolyte imbalances within the cells. This accumulation prevents the absorbtion of nutrients and effectively gets rid of waste. Iranian Doctor F. Batmanghelidj in his book: "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" stresses the problem is further aggravated because most people drink far too little water. Thus dehydration and toxicity are the root cause of most of the congestive and degenerative diseases prevalent today.
BRAVO, finally attention for the work of Rife ( and Hulda Clark) A devoted technician in Netherlands produces and improves Rife's equipment, and manufacture also Zappers and a tiny equipment to make colloidal silver. If somebody is interested I can have a look in older @ to find address.
Congrats, you do have an excellent blog !!
Dr. William van Ewijk, M.D.
BRAVO, finally attention for the work of Rife ( and Hulda Clark) A devoted technician in Netherlands produces and improves Rife's equipment, and manufacture also Zappers and a tiny equipment to make colloidal silver. If somebody is interested I can have a look in older @ to find address.
Congrats, you do have an excellent blog !!
Dr. William van Ewijk, M.D.
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