Thursday, June 30, 2011

I love you enough

I love you enough to allow you to find the God of your understanding,
however, whenever, and if ever you choose…

Allow you to make what I perceive to be foolish mistakes…

Never possess you and never let you possess me…

Allow you to maintain your dignity and never let you take away

Allow you to seek help in your own way – wherever and whenever you

Leave your responsibilities in your hands and to assume my own…

Allow you to hurt when you choose…

Never apologize nor cover up for you…

Be your best friend or never see you again…

Miss you but not be destroyed when we are out of touch…

Drop all my expectations of you…

Become so serene and at peace that I don't `need' you…

Let go of jealousy and anger…

Allow you to have your secret space and to have my own…

Listen to you with an open heart when I can…

Never tolerate you unacceptable behavior – forgive you unacceptable
behavior when and if I am ready…

Allow you to grow faster or slower that I do without resentment…

Allow you to take magnificent care of yourself, your spirit and those
things that are yours…

Allow you to become the beautiful person that you are.


James A. McGregor - 1983


Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Amazing Story of German New Medicine:

"Dr.Ryke Geerd Hamer, one time chief internist of the Cancer Clinic of Munich University Hospital met horrific tragedy when in 1978, his 19 year old son Dirk, was shot dead in front of his eyes! Shortly afterwards he developed testicular cancer and wondered why! His exploration brought him to a dramatic conclusion that he called "The Iron Rule of Cancer"! However, in the light of Meta-Medicine which is a newer and perhaps less stringent take on Dr. Hamer’s work, this rule applies equally well to all disease.
The "Iron Rule" states that a sudden and unforeseen incident of a highly charged emotional nature leads to illness. He says this can be cured once the emotional conflict is resolved. He suggests this is why so many conventional treatments are unsuccessful. The same phenomenon occurs in the animal world. A sheep loses its lamb to a predator and goes on to develop teat cancer. The cancer disappears when the ewe falls pregnant once again.
The "Significant Emotional Event" (SEE) leads to what Hamer calls a "Dirk-Hamer-Syndrome", which produces a lesion on the brain. In the first phase of disease the body is dominated by the stressful sympathetic nervous system .The person obsesses about the event. He/she encounters high energy levels but hands and feet become cold, appetite drops off, blood pressure increases, constipation can occur and sleeping becomes difficult. In this phase the body creates a symptom. Hamer was able to trace this development by using “Computerized Tomography". He then produced a chart that relates specific emotional traumas with the formation of lesions in the brain that result in cancerous tumors growing in predictable parts of the body.
For instance a child is knocked down by a car and enters a coma. The mother witnesses this; she is distraught. A lesion forms on her brain and that prompts the breast milk producing glands. Instinctively her old self believes that she needs to nurture the child through the crisis. The child is in the hospital and cannot take the milk, as a result a tumor forms. She drops everything and focuses all her time and attention on her injured child. One day he wakes up in his hospital bed. The trauma instantly resolves itself and she feels overwhelming relief. The brain lesion turns to an edema and the tumor stops growing as no more milk is required. She can relax and she enters the healing stage of the disease. Naturally occurring bacteria in the body can now consume the growth; however she also feels uncomfortable and has low energy. She goes to see her Doctor who diagnoses breast cancer.
The manufacturers of the CT equipment, Siemens, testify that Geerd Hamer used over 6,000 scans in his work in developing this extraordinary theory. What he appears to be saying is that the cancer is a symptom of the real illness, which lies painfully embedded in the psyche and in the brain. He appears to have thoroughly researched his explanation to boot!
Hamer criticizes the orthodox medical treatment of cancer by saying that 98% of patients die from the treatment and not the disease. He claims: "Nowadays most people with cancer die from the affects of the medical diagnosis and prognosis. It is this which produces the supposed metastases!" He maintains there is no such thing as cancer spreading as conventionally supposed. Instead the metastasis is the growth of another cancer caused by yet another Significant Emotional Event, which is the shock of the medical diagnosis and negative prognosis.
Dr Hamer does not offer solutions how these conflicts are to be resolved, but stresses resolution has to be gentle. Rough analytical abreactive therapies are to be discouraged because they might trigger another cancer causing Event. However, many gentle therapies such as EFT, Ambit, and the Emotion Code abound; they might just play a big part in resolving these disease producing conflicts in what must be a milestone in Mind-Body Medicine."
This article appeared in "The Samui Gazette" of 25th June 2011.
Alister Bredee is a freelance author living on Koh Samui. He is a health care practitioner (working with the amazing CoRe system to find out more ask about a free introductory session), trainer and a partner in The Health Ambit Consultancy, which is named after the Meridian Energy therapy he developed. It involves diagnosis by muscle testing and treatment using the meridian system. He also works as a Detox Consultant and Locum with extensive experience. He can be contacted via his website: He publishes a regular blog at: . You can find him and the Health Ambit Consultancy on Facebook.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

“Neem the Panacea for all Diseases!”

In Thailand they call it “Saddow”; the trees can be found growing in dry locations. It is itself a member of the mahogany family and is native to India and S.E. Asia. You can ask your garden centre to source a sapling for you; it just might be a valuable addition to your garden!
“Azardirachta Indica” to give the plant its proper name has played an important role in ayurvedic medicine for more than 3000 years. Ayurveda is a term than comes from the combination of two Sanskrit words which translate as “life science”. Similar to the ancient tradition of Chinese medicine this Indian system believes an imbalance of body, mind or spirit is the root cause of all disease. Bring harmony to the system and wellness returns.
Neem has so many medicinal uses that it has been described as “the village pharmacy “in Ayurvedic literature, where it is depicted like this: ‘Neem bark is cool, bitter, astringent, acrid and refrigerant. It is useful in tiredness, cough, fever, loss of appetite, worm infestation. It heals wounds and vitiated conditions of kapha, vomiting, skin diseases, excessive thirst, and diabetes. Neem leaves are reported to be beneficial for eye disorders and insect poisons. It treats Vatik disorder. It is anti-leprotic. Its fruits are bitter, purgative, anti-hemorrhoids and anthelmintic’. (The Neem Foundation.)
This wonder tree has recently come to the attention of western medicine. Curiously the American pharmaceutical company W.R. Grace tried and was successful in obtaining an European patent on it. Sensibly the Indian Government objected, correctly claiming that the medicines derived from the tree had been a part of the ayurevedic pharmacopeia for several thousand years. Grace lost their patent but still had the arrogance to contest the ruling. They lost again and so the case closed! What they were trying to do was patent a fungicide derived from the tree.
Neem’s anti-mold, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties are well known in oriental medicine. In Thailand they place “saddow” leaves in rice stores to protect the crop from spoilage. In the humid tropical climate of southern Thailand mold is an ongoing problem as many will attest after the recent rains. Ceilings and walls developed black blotches and the sickly sweet smell of mildew seeped from cupboards, book shelves and even bed sheets. Mildew is a minute fungus which needs moisture to survive. Bathrooms with damp air trapped between four walls are a prime location for these molds. The spores settle in the mucous membrane of the human body and some strains contain mycotoxins which are hazardous to health. Washing down moldy walls with a dilute hydrogen peroxide solution usually kills the fungus. If you don’t do this you stand a chance of developing allergic reactions and sometimes illnesses like asthma, coughs, a build up of mucous, sinus conditions whilst irritations can break out in the eyes and throat. Mold also forms on spoiled food. Once you detect mold on food, don’t eat it, throw it out, it can be quite poisonous.
If we do develop symptoms like the common cough, taking Neem capsules is an excellent way of addressing the problem. Mycotoxins include an advanced form of yeast which mutates and becomes a fungus. This often happens in Candida albicans. We all have yeast in our system and it plays an important role in quelling disease, but when it changes to a fungus it can grow rhizomes or roots that penetrate cell walls and cause toxins to spread. Neem capsules are an efficient antidote to Candida problems. The plant is native to Thailand and the capsules are readily available. Supplies can be purchased from Ms. Ta’s shop, located opposite Spa Samui in Lamai. Whilst there, stock up with some of the probiotic coconut drink and coconut cheese. These products are rich in natural bacteria which help the immune system work more efficiently by providing the ammunition it needs to fight off disease. Take a look at their website at"
This article by Alister Bredee appeared in the Samu Gazette of 10th June 2011