Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Effects of twenty years of meditation in under twenty hours.

The Effects of twenty years of meditation in under twenty hours.

Message from Kurt Ebert, founder of AFT.

We are about to launch our new Acupuncture4themind self transformation program. The AFT self transformation course is a web based and self directed method to shift the functioning of the ego toward beginning levels of enlightenment.

What we normally think of as the Ego is actually a series of self-sustaining energy fields the focus and limit awareness. AFT has identified forty such fields. The course consists of eighteen 45-50 minute sessions. During each session participants are instructed to focus on
specific emotional thought patterns that tune into one of these forty fields. Simultaneously the meridian system is activated through sound waves from your computer speakers.
The meridian activation permanently destabilizes these limiting energy fields. The result is a shift in consciousness toward greater peace. Examples of these forty limiting energy fields include: the four fundamental limiting emotional reactions, interpreting the
present based on the past, covert and overt blame, and familial resonance.
We are shooting to get the entire program live by the end of February. To learn more about the program go to:

We are offering the program for FREE to anyone that attends the Energy Psychology Conference in Orlando. Details about the conference are below. We will be doing a special session at the conference on Saturday afternoon. At the conference you will get a special code to access the program for free. We hope to see you there.

The 11th International Energy Psychology Conference

Larry Dossey, MD Author of 10 Books on Alternative Medicine
Jean Houston, PhD.Author of 26 books, Scholar, Philosopher and Researcher in Human Capacities
Beverly Rubik, PhD, Leading Biofield Researcher
David Feinstein, PhD Leading Authority on Energy Psychology
Lama Surya Das: Author of over 10 books on Tibetan Buddhism and Spirituality
May 28, 2009 12 one-day seminars with leaders in the field including:
Tapas Fleming, Nan Lu, Maggie Phillips, Fred Gallo, Michael Meyer and Mary Sise
May 29- 31, 2009 54 workshops in 9 tracks:
EP through the life cycle, Fundamentals of EP, Special Populations, Specific Approaches, Developing Your EP business, Spirituality and Consciousness, Integrative Approaches, Developing the Practitioner.

June 1, 2009 Two Special One Day Seminars
Jean Houston
The New Story of You: Participating in the Mystery of Transformation of Self and Society
Lama Surya Das
The Big Questions: How to Find Your Own Answers to Life's Essential Mysteries

June 1-3 Certification Training In Energy Psychology
Lead Trainer : David Gruder, PhD