A site dedicated to challenging the thinking patterns and beliefs of all those who might feel we need a better way of doing things on this planet.
Monday, July 6, 2020
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Available on Amazon on 31 st January
A Cat Has Nine Lives: And so do you.Paperback – January 21, 2017
by Alister Bredee D.HH. (Author)
See all formats and editions
If you can effectively detoxify the body, cancer, heart disease and neurotoxicity cannot exist.” In short by effective detoxification, 92% of all diseases are preventable. Cancer and Heart Disease are on the increase. The bottom line is we are individually responsible for our own health. It’ not your Dr. It’s not your Consultant, it’s not your Naturopath it’s you. Are you willing to step up and take ownership of the responsibility? This is a 9 step interactive guide to overall health and wellness. Its user-friendly style along with author back-up means that everybody can take charge of their own health and well-being. This journey is designed to wake you up and make you aware; awake to your own health and some of the steps you can take to preserve this precious gift. Many take health for granted and only get concerned when something goes wrong. Once a problem arises we rush off to a health care professional to have the matter sorted. Isn’t it better to make good health an ongoing target? Wellness becomes the intention and not illness. The job of "A Cat Has Nine Lives And So Do You", is to inspire others to recognize that different possibilities exist, are credible, and different realities can be created by living those possibilities which create a different awareness.
If you can effectively detoxify the body, cancer, heart disease and neurotoxicity cannot exist.” In short by effective detoxification, 92% of all diseases are preventable. Cancer and Heart Disease are on the increase. The bottom line is we are individually responsible for our own health. It’ not your Dr. It’s not your Consultant, it’s not your Naturopath it’s you. Are you willing to step up and take ownership of the responsibility? This is a 9 step interactive guide to overall health and wellness. Its user-friendly style along with author back-up means that everybody can take charge of their own health and well-being. This journey is designed to wake you up and make you aware; awake to your own health and some of the steps you can take to preserve this precious gift. Many take health for granted and only get concerned when something goes wrong. Once a problem arises we rush off to a health care professional to have the matter sorted. Isn’t it better to make good health an ongoing target? Wellness becomes the intention and not illness. The job of "A Cat Has Nine Lives And So Do You", is to inspire others to recognize that different possibilities exist, are credible, and different realities can be created by living those possibilities which create a different awareness.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
The Story of Jerry and Jane or is coaching useful?
The new trend of seeking out a coach smacks
of the 1980’s obsession, where everybody had to have a “mind” therapist of some
sort. Was this trend useful or merely self-indulgent? Certainly the older
generation were non-plussed. “Just get
over it!” Was a common and less than useful rejoinder! The world has not
obviously become a better place because of the vogue, but many people have
become a lot more self-aware and overcome a host of emotional barriers as a
result, and that cannot be a bad thing!
OK, what’s the point of coaching? In order
to answer the question, we need to look at what I would like to describe as the
five-point coaching matrix.
The coach’s first job is to help his client
clarify exactly what he is setting out to achieve. Most people will be able to
tell you what they don’t want but are usually stumped when asked what exactly
it is they do want! The coach helps her client get a clear picture of the
desired objective. This clarity is amazingly important. Let’s give an example,
and let’s invent an imaginary client whom we shall call Jane. Jane is a
successful is corporate career girl. She is approaching 40, but has not found
the man of her dreams. The clock is ticking and she is in a bit of a hurry. Her
coach, Jerry, knows this, so he helps Jane clarify what sort of man would be
her “ideal” partner. What would he look like? How would he dress? What would he
do? How would he behave? What would his interests be and so on? Jerry helps
Jane bring her “honey” to life. She can now see him, hear him and feel him so
he becomes a real person for her. This is the blueprint for what she is looking
The second step is for the team to sit down
and construct a road map of how to bring somebody like “honey” into Jane’s
life. This is the action plan. Unfortunately, ideal life partners are not
delivered to the front door, or at least not usually. You must go out there and
do something about it.
The third phase is for Jerry to help Jane
uncover some skill she may lack that are standing in the way of her reaching
her desired outcome. Maybe she needs to know about internet dating, or if this is
a business niche then she might need to hone up on marketing or computer
skills. The coach points out the area that is in need of up-skilling and then helps
provide training where the missing ingredients can be found.
The fourth step the team needs to
investigate is the environment. If Jerry is a health coach and Jane’s goal is
weight loss, then they probably need to take stock of Jane’s kitchen cupboards.
What foods does she have that are standing in her way of losing those excess
pounds? Jerry will counsel Jane to get the offenders out of her environment and
probably to remind her that food does not have legs and she needs to be a lot
more careful in her shopping habits.
Fifth and lastly, we turn to mind matters.
Jerry uses a plethora of tools to help Jane identify and then overcome the
trapped emotions and fears, doubts, limiting beliefs, insecurities, self image
issues and a myriad of other chunks that are preventing her from reaching her
goal. If all of these didn’t exist she would have got there already, wouldn’t
she? Any challenge anybody faces lies somewhere in this matrix. Repair the
matrix and all the Janes of this world have a good chance of making their
dreams come true!
To answer the original question, is all of
this worthwhile? I certainly think so, don’t you? If you would like to find out
for yourself, click here and you can sign up for a cost free 45 minute phone or Skype strategy session.
As they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Alister Bredee
Koh Samui
June 28th 2015
Sunday, December 11, 2016
A Cat Has Nine Lives
A Cat Has Nine Lives and so do You"
"If you detoxify the body effectively cancer, heart disease and neurotoxicity cannot exist".
There are nine steps or lives.
- Kidney cleanse:Before we start cleansing the gut we need to start with the urinary system as this supports the digestive system. Pesticides and heavy metals abound and we need to eradicate them from the body.
- The mother of all organs is the gut. Most diseases start in the digestive tract. It’s really important to detoxify the colon, the small intestines and the stomach. How do we do this? We clean up the diet and cleanse the colon with colonics, enemas or our own proprietary herbal detox formula. You take your pick.
- The Power of a liver cleanse. The liver is the largest organ; it acts as the chemical factory. Although it cleanses toxins, it accumulates them, too. This interferes with the digestive process and backs –up to interfere with the immune system.
- Cleaning the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help get rid of toxins. The primary function of lymphatic fluid, made up of white blood cells, is to fight infection. The lymphatic system is similar to the circulatory system, only larger and it does not possess a pump. That means it can get blocked easily. We need ways to clear it, so it functions efficiently.
- The Parasite Cleanse. Most people have worms! It’s is relatively easy to kill the parasites, but steering clear of infection induced by the eggs and the larvae is another story. We can be infected by our pets, poor bathroom habits, our finger nails and even door knobs. Dr. Hulda Clark believed parasites lay behind all major illnesses. It’s no good embarking on a five minute clear-up. This is a much longer tale which has been largely ignored by Western Medicine.
- Cleansing Heavy Metals. Heavy Metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum and arsenic abound in this industrially polluted planet. Mercury is considered to be the most toxic substance on Earth following the radioactive elements like plutonium, yet it is found in fish, is used in dentistry and the preservative thimerosal is accepted as an anti-fungal and antiseptic agent; used in vaccines. Some claim it plays a substantial part in the current autism epidemic. These metals accumulate in organs and we need a method of chelating or getting rid of them.
- The Emotional Detox. This is arguably the most important in “A Cat has Nine Lives and so do you.”. Toxic emotions block the body’s energy pathways. These trapped emotions create symptoms that can be much more life threatening than any bacteria or virus. This “detox” helps you release the emotions. All negative emotions are related to the Chinese Meridian System. Once that has been completed we show you a simple and user friendly method of clearing issues as they arise.
- The Dangers of Electrical Stress. Today we are surrounded by EMFs (low level electrical magnetic fields). They come to us through our current obsession with EMF technology in the form of mobile phones, microwave ovens and computers. They are the source and the unseen electromagnetic waves that surround us every day of our lives. In this ”Detox”” we examine the often unreported dangers posed by this new knowledge, and look at ways to protect ourselves from what can only be described as dirty electricity.
- The Spiritual Cleanse. This is a hugely important topic, comprising an area that many are blissfully unaware. We encourage you to step outside the realm of self with its egocentric certainty that we are all different. No, we are not, we are all “one” when everything is reduced to the bare essentials. The “Course in Miracles” informs us there are only two emotions, love and fear and everything else is a variant on the same theme. In my point of view it’s simpler than that. There are only two emotions, one feels heavy, dark, restricted, uncomfortable and draining, whilst the other feels light, bright, airy, breezy, open and easy. Which one of these would you choose? This “Detox” shows you how to make the “light” choice.
Those are the Nine Steps, Now what?
If you would like your own copy of the first step. "The Kidney Cleanse", just message me and I'll send it to you
Alister Bredee author
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Sunday, June 28, 2015
The Story of Jerry and Jane or is coaching useful?
The new trend of seeking out a coach smacks
of the 1980’s obsession, where everybody had to have a “mind” therapist of some
sort. Was this trend useful or merely self-indulgent? Certainly the older
generation were non-plussed. “Just get
over it!” Was a common and less than useful rejoinder! The world has not
obviously become a better place because of the vogue, but many people have
become a lot more self-aware and overcome a host of emotional barriers as a
result, and that cannot be a bad thing!
OK, what’s the point of coaching? In order
to answer the question, we need to look at what I would like to describe as the
five-point coaching matrix.
The coach’s first job is to help his client
clarify exactly what he is setting out to achieve. Most people will be able to
tell you what they don’t want but are usually stumped when asked what exactly
it is they do want! The coach helps her client get a clear picture of the
desired objective. This clarity is amazingly important. Let’s give an example,
and let’s invent an imaginary client whom we shall call Jane. Jane is a
successful is corporate career girl. She is approaching 40, but has not found
the man of her dreams. The clock is ticking and she is in a bit of a hurry. Her
coach, Jerry, knows this, so he helps Jane clarify what sort of man would be
her “ideal” partner. What would he look like? How would he dress? What would he
do? How would he behave? What would his interests be and so on? Jerry helps
Jane bring her “honey” to life. She can now see him, hear him and feel him so
he becomes a real person for her. This is the blueprint for what she is looking
The second step is for the team to sit down
and construct a road map of how to bring somebody like “honey” into Jane’s
life. This is the action plan. Unfortunately, ideal life partners are not
delivered to the front door, or at least not usually. You must go out there and
do something about it.
The third phase is for Jerry to help Jane
uncover some skill she may lack that are standing in the way of her reaching
her desired outcome. Maybe she needs to know about internet dating, or if this is
a business niche then she might need to hone up on marketing or computer
skills. The coach points out the area that is in need of up-skilling and then helps
provide training where the missing ingredients can be found.
The fourth step the team need to
investigate is the environment. If Jerry is a health coach and Jane’s goal is
weight loss, then they probably need to take stock of Jane’s kitchen cupboards.
What foods does she have that are standing in her way of losing those excess
pounds? Jerry will counsel Jane to get the offenders out of her environment and
probably to remind her that food does not have legs and she needs to be a lot
more careful in her shopping habits.
Fifth and lastly, we turn to mind matters.
Jerry uses a plethora of tools to help Jane identify and then overcome the
trapped emotions and fears, doubts, limiting beliefs, insecurities, self image
issues and a myriad of other chunks that are preventing her from reaching her
goal. If all of these didn’t exist she would have got there already, wouldn’t
she? Any challenge anybody faces lies somewhere in this matrix. Repair the
matrix and all the Janes of this world have a good chance of making their
dreams come true!
To answer the original question, is all of
this worthwhile? I certainly think so, don’t you? If you would like to find out
for yourself, click here and you can sign up for a cost free 45 minute phone or Skype strategy session.
As they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Alister Bredee
Koh Samui
June 28th 2015
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Is Coaching Worth the Money?

The answer
must be “yes”, otherwise people would not pay! Those who sign up for these
programs know at gut level it is really up to them, but they need help in
achieving the goals they desire. You, really can’t do it on your own, an
objective mentor is somebody you are accountable to, who challenges your ideas
and motivates you to get the best out of yourself. So when you sign-up with a
life, business, relationship, money, sex or whatever you like coach you expect
a bang for your buck! Most, if not all, coaches have coaches themselves and if
results were not forthcoming the word would surely get out! On a personal note,
I signed up with a coach last September for a year’s business and mojo
enhancement at $500.00 per month. I never believed I could keep up the payments
but have found that has not been an issue, in fact I have increased my earnings
fivefold and have learned a huge amount along the way. When our contract ends
in August, I will then seek out somebody else to continue the journey.
Why is this
so successful? Coaching is not therapy, although you might expect to undergo
some therapy whilst coaching. In a therapeutic situation, you go and see the
therapist on a session by session basis. Thus, when you feel you are mended you
quit the therapy. For instance I would only go to see my massage therapist when
I had a problem. As an example; you have a frozen shoulder, you go to see your
“body worker” who works on the shoulder; the pain vanishes and ease begins to
return, so you think you’re done and you quit the sessions! But have you truly
got to the root cause of what put the shoulder out of kilter in the first
place? Probably not, the cause could be a misaligned vertebra which has not
even been considered at that short term juncture. Result the shoulder is likely
to seize up again at some time in the future.
A “Health
Coach” working on the frozen shoulder example, does not contract to work with
the client from session to session but instead on a time basis. The client has
a goal of repairing the shoulder and the coach designs a road map that takes
the client to the desired destination. This is likely to be a long-term
relationship in which the shoulder is fixed and remains symptom free for an
appreciable period. This treatment might involve a lot more than simply
manipulating the locked limb.
agreement could span one, three, six or even twelve months. The parties contract
to meet-up two or three times per month. Payment is made on a monthly basis or
is often a discounted lump sum for the whole training at the outset. The coach
and the client commit to the process whereby the latter not only shows up for
the sessions but usually has exercises and tasks to complete in between. A
committed relationship to change like this, usually gives a more spectacular
result than the “fix-it and see" approach generated by the single session
Many coaches
offer cost free strategy sessions as a first off in the process. The intention
is to discern whether the coach can actually help the client with his/her problem
and to see if they can comfortably work together over the long term. Some of
these sessions are face-to-face, but more frequently they are via telephone or
Skype. If you would like to try one, see what's on offer here.
Koh Samui
June 21st
Sunday, May 18, 2014
“.What do you Remember when you Forget to Remember?”
I am
embarrassed to admit I was a little reluctant to begin reading John Flaherty’s
new book, ."Addiction Unplugged"” Yes, he generously provided me with a copy,
and I knew I could not, not read it!
I was expecting another quasi-academic treatise into
the therapy and practice of addiction treatment and to be quite honest due to
recent experience, I had had my fill of those. How wrong can you be?
Instead, by reading"Addiction Unplugged" I have
undergone an amazing, experiential journey into change. My change…..the book
brings the reader face to face with critical life issues and then provides
solutions to overcome the challenges. It does that by means of hypnotic languaging patterns and some other powerful
tools taken from NLP as well as the remarkable power of Hawaiian, Ho’pono’
pono. This roughly translates to “make it right”. John uses the Hawaiian
technique as a hugely potent re-framing tool which makes the book itself
a near miraculous healing strategy. He does this by inviting the reader to
examine distressing events of the past. This
is not an invitation to wallow in the painful emotions that surface. Instead,
we acknowledge the uncomfortable trigger
with a simple “thank-you”. This stills the turmoil and brings peace to the
event. The occurrence is no longer a drama and we do not need to spend hours
processing the feelings that bubble to the surface. What happened, happened.!
It was part of the developmental journey
we call life. We are now ready for the next step, which is acceptance and the
learning that goes with it. “I am sorry, please forgive me.” We are really
detaching from all blame and judgement. We dealt with the events as best we
could. We had no resources to behave differently, but now we do, “thank you”.
Personally, I found this to be hugely powerful when it came to reviewing
certain happenings in my own life, not least of all was my own “rehab” journey.
In 2011 I was invited to join a new rehabilitation project that was being launched in a breathtaking location on the tropical island of Koh Samui I was asked to join the team, not as an addiction counselor , which I am not,but as a meridian energy technique specialist to
aid the treatment process as it helped the clients to make their way back to
sobriety. I can only say how disappointed I was to witness the dysfunction
inherent in the “Center” itself which was sadly also reflected in the amount of
relapse experienced when people returned
to the environment they called home.
During my stay there, I witnessed and participated in a drama fully worthy of
Greek tragedy . I was present and witnessed the public sacking of the clinical
director during a staff meeting that had been stage managed for that very
purpose. I felt like Judas when the new director came over and hugged me after
the meeting in an effort to elicit my unwilling support.
Events quickly unraveled. The new director was
deeply committed to a 12 step approach and my fate was quickly sealed when I
made an impassioned plea that it was essential the residents came to recognize their power and not their frailty. I wish I had this book then, because I could have waved it in the faces of those
who sought to control by fear and instead demonstrate that to heal those who craved
to break free from addiction, could do
so from a place where they could see
that they were never separated from the source of their own power which would unfailingly provide them with the strength to
find their own healing. This message comes over strongly, well done John for
bringing it for all of us to see!
"Addiction Unplugged" is an essential read for everybody addict or non-addict, therapist or
non-therapist. I urge you all to beg, borrow or steal a copy and let it assist
you on your own journey, because by doing this You cannot Not create a better experience of life, you know!
Alister Bredee D.HH, DCN MD (Alternativa Medicina)
Koh Samui,
May 18th 2014
Friday, May 2, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Balancing the Brain.
Are the two hemispheres of your brain balanced? Generally this is not the case. People seem to be either left brain or right brain dominant. See the diagram below.... it's wonderful to be analytical but wouldn't it be even more wonderful if you were both analytical and creative at the same time? If you are predominantly left brain you are using only 50% of your full potential. This is like going into the boxing ring with one arm tied behind your back. Contact us if you would like to learn how to balance the hemispheres. Remember, even Picasso had to book!balance his cheque book
In general the left and right hemispheres of your brain process information in different ways. We tend to process information using our dominant side. However, the learning and thinking process is enhanced when both side of the brain participate in a balanced manner. This means strengthening your less dominant hemisphere of the brain. Listed below are information processing styles that are characteristically used by your right or left brain hemisphere.
The left side of the brain processes information in a linear manner. It processes from part to whole. It takes pieces, lines them up, and arranges them in a logical order; then it draws conclusions. The right brain however, processes from whole to parts, holistically. It starts with the answer. It sees the big picture first, not the details. If you are right-brained, you may have difficulty following a lecture unless you are given the big picture first.
Right Brain Inventory
Left Brain Inventory
•Visual, focusing on images, patterns
•Verbal, focusing on words, symbols, numbers
•Intuitive, led by feelings
•Analytical, led by logic
•Process ideas simultaneously
•Process ideas sequentially, step by step
•'Mind photos' used to remember things, writing things down or illustrating them helps you remember
•Words used to remember things, remember names rather than faces
•Make lateral connections from information
•Make logical deductions from information
•See the whole first, then the details
•Work up to the whole step by step, focusing on details, information organized
•Organization ends to be lacking
•Highly organized
•Free association
•Like making lists and planning
•Like to know why you're doing something or why rules exist (reasons)
•Likely to follow rules without questioning them
•No sense of time
•Good at keeping track of time
•May have trouble with spelling and finding words to express yourself
•Spelling and mathematical formula easily memorized
•Enjoy touching and feeling actual objects (sensory input)
•Enjoy observing
•Trouble prioritizing, so often late, impulsive
•Plan ahead
•Unlikely to read instruction manual before trying
•Likely read an instruction manual before trying
•Listen to how something is being said
•Listen to what is being said
•Talk with your hands
•Rarely use gestures when talking
•Likely to think you're naturally creative, but need to apply yourself to develop your potential
•Likely to believe you're not creative, need to be willing to try and take risks to develop your potential
You have a left hand, but you barely use it. Why?
Do you like being one-sided and handicapped? Two dominant hands are better than one! Learn how to unleash both sides of your brain and body. |
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