Monday, February 25, 2013

The Ha Rite

Huna is a form of Hawaiian mysticism and is the word Max Freedom Long used to describe "the secret science behind miracles". In Hawaiian, huna means "secret". The Ha Rite is a manifestation prayer used in Huna and is based on utilizing mana (similar to pranayama or chi) in order to supercharge a prayer, bringing about its manifestation. Miracles have been associated with huna and the ha rite, including weather modification and spontaneous healing, among many, many others.

The following is a description of the powerful Ha Rite, as written by William Glover, author of Huna: Ancient Religion of Positive Thinking.

Following are the elements of a complete and perfect prayer along with suggested affirmations:

1. Decide exactly what is to be asked in prayer.

2. Obtain the cooperation of the three selves: This requires the complete relaxation of the body, the low self and the conscious mind, followed by meditation of the High Self in order to draw it near to you.

3. Generate a surplus of mana, the life force:

I am now going to generate mana by breathing deeply. I am gathering extra mana as I draw in more and more oxygen. I ask my low self to assist me in generating and storing this force. My will is being made strong and enduring so that I am filled with the determination to accomplish these things which I desire.

Take a series of deep breaths:

My vitality is building up; my low self is creating mana. Mana is flowing as water into a bowl. Energy is being stored in the bowl.

I can see the mana rising higher and higher in the bowl until it overflows.

Continue the breathing until you feel fully charged:
I now command my low self to hold this mana energy, until I am ready to send it to the High Self.

4. Make contact with your High Self:

Parental Spirit, who dwells in the realm of Light, I call to you. May the perfection of Your level of being be reflected to my level of being. I ask that You lead and guide me in all that is being done. I ask that You take an active part in my life.

May Your power create for me the good things, first in Your perfected realm and then cause them to appear as realities on my physical level.

5. Make the mental picture (thought form) of the desired condition:

I now make in my mind the mental picture of that which I desire. I feel a deep, emotional need for this request.

Repeat your request three times with as much emotion as possible:
I see myself as already obtaining my request, and give thanks for it.

Send the thought form to your low self to present telepathically
to your High Self:

I hold this picture before the mirror of my High Self and reflect it down into the depths of my low self.

7. Strengthen the thought form with mana and send it to your High Self:

I now send this thought form picture along a stream of mana to You. May this gift of mana empower You to work on Your level.

8. End the prayer with a feeling of faith and confidence:

I end my prayer and release it to Your keeping to work with as You see fit. I know that is is only a matter of time until my request appears as a reality on the physical level . . . . My prayer has taken flight. Let the Light of my High Self shine back to me. SO BE IT.